Happy New Year, friends!
I hope your holidays were as wonderful as ours were. We took the kids on an old-fashioned train, saw Santa multiple times, got to snuggle with my squishy, chubby, gorgeous baby niece, played with firecrackers, saw my out-of-this-world grandparents, my hilarious cousins, my in-laws, my dad, and my aunt and uncle. I even was able to socialize with some lovely ladies for an evening! Whaaaat?!
Not only that, but our town has seen its first snowman-yielding snow in over two years, so my boys' Christmas wish is 100% granted. Two snowmen and hours of sledding later, I have some happy, happy boys.
Back in the kitchen, I made about 247 batches of tamales (one of which I lovingly shared with you on Facebook!), roughly four dozen cookies, and have a chocolate & peanut butter pie chilling in fridge at the moment.
These past two weeks, I have been busting my butt to keep the house clean, cooking and baking like my life depended on it, traveling to and from far-away lands, and whipping up ideas to keep the kids entertained. Yet here I sit, with four more days left of freedom from work, and I feel like nothing has really been accomplished. I haven't finished a single book. I haven't edited any photos for the blog- much less written anything! I haven't made a single batch of soap. I haven't sat with the kids to paint a single finger painting!