Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Next Stop on the Tour of DIY Blogland

So there's a tour of Blogland, didja hear?

I get to answer some questions and then get excited to share one of my favorite DIY blogs!

So here's the deal: Gina from Ladygoats is one of those people that just touches things and they turn to gold. She brought sexy back with a bookshelf, you guys. One time, she text e-mailed me plans she drew out on a hotel memo pad to build a faux fireplace... whilst on vacation. She cracks me up. I love this girl - she is truly talented, and reminds us that we all have an inner Rosie the Riveter - why ask your husband to build your toddler a big kid bed when you can dang well do it yourself?! The fact that she featured me as someone she considers worth reading in the DIY Blogland Tour is quite the honor! <3

Blogland Tour Questions: 

1. What am I working on?

At the moment, soap. Just this past Sunday I took the plunge, and I'm so-so about the results. The soap is nice and sudsy, and my skin feels nice after I use it, but it leaves a film on everything, and it kind of smells like medicine (bad essential oil mixture... note to self: simpler is probably better)! I'll need to fine tune a better recipe that is all-around satisfying to each one of my family members with not only picky sniffers, but very different skincare needs.

2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?

Probably its inconsistency! Haha... I don't feel that my work is particularly unique, there's a huge community of homesteaders, DIYers, and home cookers. I'll be arrogant about one thing, though - I think my recipes are delicious. A lot of the time, the recipes I find online seem wonderful (and are beautifully photographed!), but when my family and I try the recipe, it doesn't match what we are after, taste-wise. Now, if I could just get consistent with the whole sticking-to-my-own-diet recipes, that'd be great. Anyone with some KILLER dairy and gluten free recipes that an I-don't-care-whats-in-it-as-long-as-it-tastes-good kinda dude would enjoy? Send 'em my way. PLEASE!?

3. Why do I write/create what I do?

love writing. I used to write love letters to my husband as writing outlet, but that got old pretty fast (there's only so much you can love about a guy, geez). And I'm not creative enough to write about anything but my own reality.

I combined my love for writing with the genuine concern for my family's wellness, and voi: from-scratch cooking, homemade toiletry replacements, and natural remedies vs. OTC meds. In other words, a whole buncha crunch. ;)

Additionally, one of the reasons I started writing this blog was the hope that I could set a positive example for my boys. They already know I love to talk, laugh, and create. I want them to see that those seemingly silly activities can be put to use. Everyone has personal talents and passions and it is important for us to pursue them in order to help find positive outlets. Even if its just a humble little blog about chickens and chiles rellenos. :)

4. How does your writing/creating process work? 

I tend to get excited about whatever project I'm working on. By "project" I mean "normal human activity," including (but not limited to) cooking, parenting, and the discovering the newest use for castile soap.

I consider discussing how cool this or that is with my husband, but decide to sit at the computer instead of rambling his ear off. Then I simply start writing, as if I were writing to a friend. Writing makes me happy.

So now it's my turn to share the love. 
Enter current blogcrush: Nina @ Shalom Mama.

Can I just gush a little, please? Nearly everything I Google leads me back to her - DIY homemade this, that, AND the other thing. This gal is living the dream, you guys, and still pushing forward. She lived on a BUS for a YEAR with her big ole' family of SIX! (Don't ignore the caps, people, I AM TOTALLY YELLING - it's that exciting)!

She offers helpful guidance and tips for living simply, saving money, and existing mindfully. She basically already knows everything I'm trying to figure out. Don't you love not having to totally venture into uncharted territory? Definitely check this loverly lady out, she is full of encouragement and knowledge, and she's just super cool. Kthanks. <3

Love and crunch,

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